If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Kid on the Blog

Hello, World.

I've never been a blogger before, unless you count "xanga" when I was an angsty teenage bitch. I'd like to think I'm none of those things now. :) I'm not sure how to draw an audience to a blog, so I'll just accept the fact that I'll be talking to myself for awhile here.

So, me. I am a happily married wife, currently trying to become a mother. I'm a lover of all things music, food, animals, nature, family, and, as of late, crafts/projects! My husband and I recently became home owners this year and I am just overwhelmed with potential projects. My favorites are turning items that we already own (that I would never have known what to do with until Pinterest) into adorable and useful home decor. Such as an old hutch my dad made for my mom in high school that has circled it's way into my dining room. As cherished as this hutch is, let's face it, it was out of date. So, I asked my dad's permission to spruce it up a bit and he graciously gave me the O.K.

The hutch before updates
The hutch partially complete with a few coats of paint
With new glass knobs!
I also have an old harp chair that was handed down through the family (not even sure where it started). My aunt had painted it years ago but it was just a little outdated. Before owning a home, I would have thought this chair was valueless. But somehow, after buying a house, your creative wheels start turning and suddenly everything has potential! 

The chair before updates

Chair with new paint and a reupholstered seat!

And one more (for now). I bought a sofa table a few years ago, sort of on a whim for no good reason. It was a quality piece at the time, but once I saw the potential for it's ability to be cute and not just useful, it became oh so much more than quality - it became shabby chic! During the move to the new house, my mom accidentally broke one of the glass top pieces, so she kindly offered to buy new glass. :) We took the opportunity to try a different type of glass since we planned on updating the table anyway. The new glass is called "rain" glass. I try to take before and after pictures of all of my re-purposing projects, but my completely useless memory failed me this time. I did take a picture after priming, however. It was originally just the natural wood color and the glass tops were just clear. 

Table after priming

Finished product with new paint and glass!
It's amazing what a little paint and new hardware can do to an older piece. Everything feels brand new and has so much character! And the pride you feel from DIY is quite priceless.

I am a changed woman for I have found the fabulous new art of reduce, reuse, recycle! More to come. :)


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