If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Clean Life

Oh my, did I hit the jackpot on Pinterest this weekend. Any clean freaks out there? I have both hands up. OK, to be honest, I'm not necessarily OCD about cleaning but it does seem to come in waves and last night I was hardcore riding the OCD Clean Freak wave. And it felt goooooooood. When my house is clean and organized, I feel like my life is also clean and organized. If not, I feel completely chaotic. So, that's why running into this post on Pinterest was just plain good for my soul.

My favorite was Number 5: Clean Your Sink Drain (which really includes a tutorial for cleaning your entire sink, not just the drain). The tutorial is of a stainless steel sink which I do not have, but it applies to all types of sinks. A sink is a sink, no matter how stainless, as Dr. Seuss might say.

I should have taken a "before" picture of my sink, but along with being somewhat OCD, I'm also ADD and I don't have room in my brain for remembering such things. So this is my "after" picture and you'll just have to trust me when I say it looks phenomenal! My sink never looked awful, but when you think about how much filth goes into it, it must have been worse than it looked. But after a thorough cleaning, it really has quite the sparkle! And I feel like my whole life is in order now.

We also started our Thankful Tree last week. This is day 1. It has more "leaves" on it now, of course, but isn't it pretty? Just twigs from the backyard, a vase, and salt. Didn't cost a dime. Of course, the salt will most likely take the moisture right out of those twigs but hopefully it lasts a month or two! You could always use white sand instead, but I'm cheap.

Due to a family emergency/event, our Halloween was rather uneventful this year, unfortunately. We weren't able to stay home and hand out Halloween candy so we decided to just put the bowl on the front porch and leave the light on, assuming some punk kid would dump the whole bowl in his bag and move on. But to our surprise and my personal horror (because having that much candy in our house is DANGEROUS), the entire bowl was still there when we got home! I wanted that junk gone so that we wouldn't be tempted by it. But, needless to say, we've been eating candy for breakfast the past few days...

But that bad habit ends TODAY. It's Monday and diets always start on Mondays because, obviously, they can't start on any other day of the week

So, missing the trick-or-treater's was a bummer, but what was more unfortunate was missing the Halloween party at our friends' house on Saturday. We spent good money on our costumes this year and we were quite proud of ourselves and anxious to reveal our characters at the party. We didn't get the chance this year, but maybe next year. And just for the heck of it... here is a sneak peak... or rather a huge peak at our costumes which are really just too good not to share.

Party Time! Excellent!
You are welcome.

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