If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Smorgasbord Weekend

I feel like so much happened this weekend and I couldn't possibly fit it all into one blog... But I'm gonna.

First of all... a very useful "Did You Know?"

Did you know that almost every box of plastic wrap, foil, parchment paper, wax paper, etc. has little tabs on each end of the container that you push in to hold the roll in place so that it doesn't pop out when you're pulling the wrap/foil/paper off?

I only just figured this fun little tool out within the last couple of years and I was just floored! I couldn't believe that all these years I never knew and neither did my mom or any of my aunts who I always assumed knew everything. So I figure if none of us knew, then there has to be some very unfortunate people out there who still lack this life changing knowledge! But now you have it and I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Speaking of useful things...

I saw this on Pinterest!

Go to Hobby Lobby or your local crafts store and buy some of this stuff...

With an adhesive backing. Perfect! Cut a strip and attach it to the inside of your medicine cabinet door and voila:

Boppy pin holder! The 2 lonely pins I could locate to take this picture now have a home. All I need to do now is go buy more bobby pins and hope that this is where they end up when I'm not using them.

After I got home from Hobby Lobby and Home Depot (and JoAnn Fabrics, leaving empty handed because I forgot what I went in for), this is what I ended up with:

Pile o' Crafts

I nearly hyperventilated trying to decide which project to start first. I bought my first hot glue gun and I had nothing to hot glue. But I just remembered that I need to make THIS in the next couple of weeks!

Oh my, I could just about explode with excitement. And, dang it, that's what I should have picked up at JoAnn Fabric!

I had breakfast with 2 of my aunt's and my mom on Saturday for my aunt's birthday. Wasn't sure what to get her but I knew she'd enjoy this (and a bottle of wine:). Saw this on Etsy but was simple and cheap to make. Frame: $10 at Hobby Lobby (50% off original price) and the print out I did on my own using the Paint program and a quality color printer! Easy peasy and just cute.

The quote is from the movie "Elf" - a family favorite of ours
Saturday morning was spent raking leaves in the front yard. We never even made it to the back yard. That will be next weekend.

Unfortunately, we picked a very windy day to rake, which wouldn't be so bad if our neighbors had raked their leaves, too. But anyway...11 and 1/2 lawn bags later we called it a day.

It was nice to get out and do some good old fashioned hard labor... OK, maybe hard labor is an exaggeration but I was certainly spent afterwards! Toby, however, just got to do this:

I said I would squeeze the whole weekend into one blog post but I lied. I have 2 recipes I want to share but I'll post them separately as I do believe they deserve their own personal acknowledgment.

Coming up... 
Skillet Steak with Garlic Herb Butter
Cheesy Spinach and Artichoke Dip

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